Monday, February 7, 2011

Gateway to a Beautiful Life

The main work of every human being is inner work. Each day do something significant to deepen our self. To have more of the life that we truly want, We must first become more of what we truly are.

Lets see out life as a fantastic growth school, every thing that we experience, both good and challenging, has come to us to teach us the lesson that we needed to learn at particular stage of our evaluation as a person. Lets understand this truth and keep on asking ourselves, "What opportunity does this person or situation represent" in terms of our personal growth. This is a great source of inner peace.

Lets be true to ourselves - The best is the authentic life. lets never betray ourselves. Lets take off our social mask and have the personal bravery to present the real us to the world. The world will be richer for it.

We collect what we project. Our outer lives are nothing more than a mirror image of our inner lives. Lets pour light on our dark side and become aware of false assumptions, limiting beliefs, and that are keeping us small, and our exterior world will change.

We see the world not as it is but as we are. The truth in any given circumstances is filtered through our personal stained glass window - our personal context. On cleaning the windows, we'll clean up our life. then we'll see the truth.

Let's live in our heart - its wisdom never lies. On following the quiet promptings of our heart, we'll be lead in the direction of the destiny.

Let's stand in the curiosity of our life. In surrendering control, we'll create space for possibilities to enter and treasures to flow.

We should care for our self and do something each day to nurture our mind, body and spirit. These are essential acts of self-respect and self-love.

Lets build human connections and dedicate ourselves to deepening our bonds with the people around us. Lets focus on helping others achieve their dreams, and be more concerned with selfless service rather than self-gratification. we are here to enrich this world, and we betray our self once we forget this truth.

Leave a legacy. The deepest longing of the human heart is the need to live for a cause greater than oneself.