Tuesday, June 24, 2008

E Books.. www.esnips.com


I find this site as very useful source of E Books.. It not only gives books.. photos, mp3, videos.. etc. U create an account and can share 5GB of ur informations with your friends. I could find lot of use full books in it.

Here are few which I have downloded ...

1. The Mounk who sold his ferrari - Robhin Sharma
2. The saint, suferrer and the CEO - Robhin Sharma
3. Manase Relax please Part II - TAMIL - Swami Sugabodhananda
4. My Experiences with truth
5. The Prophet - Khalil Gibran
6. You Can Win - Shiv Khera

You also can with submit your resources .. and share your feedback here.

1 comment:

Vaidhyanathan Anbalagan said...

This site is closed and not available now.