Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pebbles of Wisdom

1. When you get a big dream, get busy on it. The same God who gave the big dream will give you the little price to make that big dream a reality.

2. Intense belief in a cause (or) goal is one of the most powerful forces on the earth. No matter what odds may be. Belief dictates that there is a way.

3. In your planning for tomorrow, don't neglect today. It's too valuable and there are exactly the same number of hours in the day to day as there will be tomorrow.

4. One man has enthusiasm of 30 min. Another for 30 hours but it is the man who has enthusiasm for 30 years makes a success of his life.

5. Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on limited set of targets. The shortest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time.

6. Many hands, many hearts and many minds generally contribute to anyone's notable achievement. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful people can change the world.

7. A total commitment is paramount to reaching the ultimate in performance. The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand and the determination to apply our best to the task.

8. A truly humble person realizes even in successful times that he owes a debt to many others. Know that the shared time of today is the beautiful meaning of tomorrow.

9. Communication is vital. Keep the lines of communication always open. You do not know when opportunity comes knocking.

10. In any business human relations are more important than the handling of technical details. You in addition to being technically sound, must be an expert at handling people.

11. Words are the most powerful forces in the world. Positive words of love, hope and encouragement can lift a person to new heights and they attract more people towards you.

12. Visualize your past victories while visualizing an anticipating future victories. Planting the seeds of positive expectancy in your mind is the best way to reap a positive harvest in future.

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